Cookie Policy

By using our website you consent to our cookie policy and agree to its terms.

Like any other website, our website uses ‘cookies’.

A cookie is a simple small text file that is stored on the visitor’s computer or mobile device when you visit our website. Your chosen website browser then sends these cookies back to the website on each visit enabling us to recognise regular visitors and to customise our service accordingly.

No personal information about the user is stored in, or retrieved from, the cookie files. Our cookies do not enable us to see any other information from the visitor’s computer, and they pose no threat to your security or privacy.


However, if you’d prefer to restrict, block or delete cookies from our website or any other website, you can use your browser to do this. Each browser is different, however most browsers will allow you to:

-See what cookies you’ve got and delete them on an individual basis

-Block third party cookies

-Block cookies from particular websites

-Block all cookies from being set

-Delete all cookies when you close your browser

Be aware though that any preferences will be lost if you delete any cookies. Also, if you block cookies completely many websites will not work properly and some functionality on these websites will not work at all.